todays meeting wasn't that gd...
In fact i screwed up...
I forgot to bring the booklet... Lol...
Now that i think of it i'm quite forgetful...
haha... Thats just one of my bad points...
Well... Today went to publisise our school...
I forgot my speech... So it was also screwed...
Everything is so screwed... I didnt even mantain my acedamic results...
Lol... Was quite moody when i reached home... looked for some people to chat...
but i felt that i troubled people too much and was quite a handful...
Kept to myself all day... Tried to talk to somebody... Actually a couple of people...
But didnt dare to... i don't want another conflict... Another load of problems...
Another bunch of crap coming out of my mouth...
Well... also scolded some people today for taking my friends stuff...
It was quite important... So i guessed i kind of flaired up and scolded too severly...
Sorry... Was too mean i suppose... but what was inside was not meant for u to see...
Ah well... Hope tomorrow will be a better day...
Much better than today i suppose but there's double maths and triple sciences tomorrow...
Lol... another long day with long draggings....
lucky someone told me to stop saying things that i shouldn't today...
haha... Thx ******... Cant spell out your name if not kenna bullied again...
hvniag so mnay cofnlitcs and prmolebs are jsut prat of lfie...teshe are jsut mree otbsaelcs wihch hdiner our pefroranmce...tehre is smoenoe who i wsih to tlak too...But she dseon't wsih too so i tnihk i will let it be...Beranikg ciahns are hrad to do...Espceilaly wehn it has gnoe tohrguh so mnay hpapy mmoeries...And in the end it is enevtulaly lost...(if you can read this... I'm thankful...)